
Why Condo is the Best Investment for an OFW?

As an overseas filipino worker (OFW), being away from your families is NOT something you dream of for your entire life. Most of the time, especially in time of homesickness, an idea will come across you. You’ll think that if only there’s another way to earn enough money for the future, then you won’t have to endure being away from your family for so long.

Luckily, there are multiple kinds of investment which can help you prepare for you and your family’s future. If you’re finding for an investment with minimal risk, then you came into the right place.

Here are top 4 reasons why condo is the perfect investment for an OFW…

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Online Banking: PROs over CONs?

In today’s era where people go for mobility and convenience, and where Internet is basically a tool to make it happen, the rise of online banking is totally expected.

New to online banking? It’s right to check out the pros and cons first, before diving in. Ready? Read along…

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Why Christmas Shopping Online is Better?

September marks the start of Christmas countdown in the Philippines. It’s the time of the year when you begin to hear Christmas songs at malls and over the radio. It’s a happy feeling, really. And, when you think about Christmas, you can’t help but think about decorations, gifts, sales and etc. All of which involves some kind of “shopping” and “spending”. But, did you know that Christmas shopping online has become the new norm in these day and age, when every minute is considered valuable? Below are 8 perks why you should consider Christmas shopping online for this year:

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15 Specific Summer Business Ideas for Every Filipino

The scorching heat of the sun is taking a toll among us, literally and financially. “Hey, what do you mean financially?” so, you may asked. Well, how’s your electricity bill lately? How about your food and water consumption? And, have you alloted some extra funds for some leisure or summer vacation expenses for you and your family *ahem beaaaach*? Ok, I think, we’re now on the same page.

Yet, while most of the people are whining about how excruciating the summer heat is, some people, the chosen few, who are born with an entrepreneurial mindset are taking this summer season as an opportunity in putting up a business. So, are you one of us?

Since you’re here on this site, then you’re probably part of the chosen few. Below are some specific summer business ideas for you and every filipino. They are divided into 3 sections, depending on the required amount of capital investment: Small (0-50k PHP), Medium (50-200k PHP), and Large (200k and above PHP).

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